While visiting Budapest in May, our Hungarian friends organised a screening of Cycle me home movie for us. We came up with an idea of showing this movie to all Slovenian cyclists, so after exchanging emails with CMH group, we presented their movie project to Kino Šiška. Being excited as much as ourselves, they shared their venue space and invited us in for Kino Šiška's 3rd birthday.
On Saturday of 22nd September we greeted our Hungarian friends that visited Ljubljana for this occasion. The day started with gathering in front of Kino Šiška, playing bike polo, testing the Muslauf simulator and watching the ''floating bike'' installation that was set up in the upper gallery space. Some visitors tried our Muslauf (fixed gear) bikes for the first time and saw bike parts at the Pici Bici stand. While hanging out and spending time with the Cycle Me Home group we had a few competitions — trackstand, footdown and a skid contest. After that, we moved to the hall, where Levi and Neža greeted us before watching the movie. The movie is about happiness and some tough moments, about loving your friends and your bike, searching for your 'true-self', the right road and for the highest hill, about being in love and most of all — about having fun.
We ended the day with a night ride through the city center. A group of 60 cyclists will sure have many highlights to remember: riding in the middle of main city roads, lifting our bikes for a group photo and having an adrenaline ride through the tunnel. It was an amazing night that we have all agreed to repeat soon!
But the 'Cycle me home' day in Ljubljana will be mostly remembered as the day we 'positively tested' the fact that bikes bring people togehter, the old and the young, the Slovenians and the Hungarians. Because bikes are not only frames with two wheels but creators of unforgettable memories.
Ko smo bili maja v Budimpešti na premieri filma Cycle me Home, je padla ideja, da bi bilo super fino, če bi se film pokazal tudi slovenskim kolesarjem. Ekipa CMH je bila takoj za, izmenjali so se mejli, Kino Šiška je bila nad projektom navdušena in nam posodila prostor ravno v času praznovanja svojega 3. rojstnega dneva.
V soboto 22. septembra smo tako pozdravili madžarske prijatelje, ki so se vrnili na ceste, po katerih so prevozili del poti. Dan se je pričel z druženjem pred Kino Šiška, igranjem bike pola, preizkušanjem Muslauf simulatorja in občudovanjem ‘lebdečega kolesa’, ki je krasil zgornje predverje. Obiskovalci so lahko preizkusli muslauf kolesa, poklepetali z glavnim junakom prevoženih kilometrov med Madridom in Budimpešto, Levijem, pokukali na PiciBici stojnico, .. Pred začetkom filma so kolesarski navdušenci tekmovali v trackstandu, footdownu ter skidanju. S kolesi na ramah smo se preselili v dvorano, kjer sta nas pred filmom pozdravila Levi in Neža. Film nas je popeljal na pot polno veselja in težkih trenutkov, ljubezni do kolesa, raziskovanja samega sebe, domačih cest in najvišjih prelazov v Italiji, nesrečnih ljubezni in predvsem zabave. Dan smo zaključili z nočno vožnjo od Kina Šiške do centra Ljubljane, ki bo marsikomu ostala še dolgo v spominu.v skupini 60 kolesarjev smo se zapeljali čez Celovško, dvignili kolesa na zaprti Slovenski cesti in jo mahnili na adrenalinski dir čez tunel ter si na Kongresnem trgu rekli, da to definitvno še ponovimo!
‘Cycle me home’ dan v Ljubljani si bomo zapomnili predvsem potem, da je kolo tisto, ki združuje ljudi, stare in mlade, slovenske in madžarske. Da kolo ni samo okvir in dve gumi, ampak je predsvem sredstvo, ki ustvarja nepozabne spomine!
foto: Martin Seljak
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+ povezava na cycle me home report: http://cyclemehome.tumblr.com/post/33322344650/ljubljana
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